Monday, July 13, 2009

Dress Like a Pirate Party

Last Friday a bunch of us went to Captain Jack's Saloon (a really cool bar in Westminster dedicated to all things piraty! ) for the Dress Like a Pirate Party. There were costume contests, poker games, and lots of beer. Since I was drilling holes in R2-AL all day, by the time I got to the RV to get my pirate gear and drive to Krys's place on the other side of town, I was totally pooped. And forgot my camera (which is currently in the shop for sensor cleaning and repairs). So, I was recruited to be the Commodore's photographer by him placing into my hands a point-and-shoot digital thingymabob. I've been using SLR's for so long now I forgot how to use one of those thingymabobs. But I think I got some OK shots of him on stage during the costume contest. I think he faired better taking pics of his lovely wife, who took first place as best wench. I'm sure pics will be up soon on the above website and probably on the Crimson Marque website.

Until then,
Black Jack

Monday, July 6, 2009

Ren Faire 2008

I found some photos I took of last year's ren faire in Larkspur, CO. I don't know who everybody is, but some have joined our group. No pictures of me, boohoo.

The admiral of our fleet is on the left. Her name escapes me at this time, but I was told that she has a website and lives in Arizona. I'll post more info as soon as I know...

These pirates were having way too much fun!

Moon and Uncle Dave (my electrician who put in all my lights and fixed all my sockets)

Lady Hummingbird on the left with her delightful husband. I'm giving her my grandmother's most beloved hummingbird pin during closing weekend. She's been a good ren faire friend.
My friend Mike as Captain Jack. He really does the role quite well, and sings great too! This year he's taking a hiatus since his work schedule changed. He did show up at opening weekend this year in a different pirate outfit.

My dear friend Jyn on the right with little Sarah, with one of her friends in glorious royal purple.

pretty ladies all in a row at the pirate's pub.
Until next time,
Black Jack